DoD Health IT Services, 2010-Present
Provide software development and sustainment services to support the DoD’s Joint Longitudinal Viewer application.
Program management, requirements analysis and implementation, usability analysis, CDRL documentation, user reference guides and interface control documents
Agile software development, user interface design, application refactoring, integration of new data sources and data types into the JLV widget display
Integrate with legacy data services, enterprise authentication systems, Federal EHRM, MHS GENESIS, VA EHRM Data Service, Joint HIE and community partners
DevOps and deployment tasks, including the development and execution of automated deployments utilizing Jenkins and Ansible
AWS migration, configuration, and cloud system monitoring
Sustainment support, including tiered help desk support and customer follow-up.
Sustainment teams work with senior developers and engineers to analyze and identify complex technical issues within production environments to resolve enterprise issues.
Performance and application testing of new requirements and enterprise system integration, development of automated test scripts
Database enhancements and management
Developed and delivered software that follows/conforms to Government Software Code Quality Checking (SCQC) standards, utilizing government mandated SCQC tools
Security processes and certification
Delivered seamless access to JLV from within the Armed Forces Health Longitudinal Technology Application (AHLTA), MHS GENESIS, and TMDS
VA Health IT Services, 2010-2020
Provided software development and sustainment services to support the VA’s Joint Longitudinal Viewer and Community Viewer applications:
Requirements analysis and implementation, usability analysis, user reference guides and interface control documents
Agile software development, user interface design, 508 accessible interface development, integration of new data sources and data types into the JLV widget display
Integration with legacy data services, enterprise authentication systems, Federal EHRM, MHS GENESIS, VA EHRM Data Service, Joint HIE and community partners
DevOps and deployment tasks, including the development and execution of automated deployments utilizing Jenkins and Ansible
Sustainment support, including tiered help desk support and customer follow-up.
Sustainment teams work with senior developers and engineers to analyze and identify complex technical issues within production environments to resolve enterprise issues.
Performance and application testing o f new requirements and enterprise system integration.
Database enhancements and management.
Cerner Government Services Health IT Services, 2018-Present
Provide application and service development, integration, and enterprise knowledge in assistance with the VA’s electronic health records modernization initiative.
Ongoing application development and system integration support for the VA TeleReader Client (“TeleReader”). The TeleReader is a component in the larger Cerner Electronic Health Record Modernization (EHRM) effort to modernize the VA’s medical records. Within the EHRM, the TeleReader provides for the VA a worklist of local and remote imaging studies that are to be read and interpreted by authorized VA providers. The TeleReader is used to create a worklist of remote and local imaging studies that are waiting to be read and interpreted, then launches to CPRS imaging tools to view images and document interpretations.
Ongoing interface development and system integration support for the Joint Longitudinal Viewer interface, the VA TeleReader Proxy Service, and other interfaces to allow communication between legacy/applications and the Cerner EHRM.
VistA Metadata Project, 2015-2017
Provided a single, comprehensive security-enabled read/write data model for all VA VISTA data across all VA VISTA operational systems, establishing a common technical foundation for master data management and computable data representation and exchanging between VA and DoD clinical information systems.
Legacy Data Store and Retrieval, 2015-2017
Developed software for transition of one of MHS’s primary legacy applications: the MUMPS-based Composite Health Care System (CHCS) and the persistence of all its data and metadata with full fidelity in modern, open standards for any future use.
Enterprise Health Management Platform (eHMP), 2014-2016
Provided legacy data integration and interface design services for the VA’s enterprise Health Management Platform (eHMP), adding new features to tailor and track care to Veterans’ functional goals and preferences to the electronic health record (EHR).
Transition Application Program Support, 2012-2016
Provided a rational plan to transition the Composite Health Care System (CHCS), its legacy Electronic Health Record (EHR) legacy system, to an open, modular, web-based, service based architecture enabling it to repose and exchange clinical and business data with a replacement EHR and other applications and services, including VistA.
iEHR Presentation Layer Software Development, 2012-2013
Provided the VA enterprise-wide rollout of our successful VA pilot web application that provided a unified, integrated display of VA and DoD records to both VA and DoD providers. It was hailed by then VA Secretary Eric Shinseki as “a critical component of the iEHR for all system users and health providers to be able to see health records of all types.”
Military Health Service (MHS) Technical Management, 2010-2018
Developed and managed the JTIC Integrated Test and Evaluation Center in Kihei, Maui, designed to be a flexible computing resource for pilot and prototype efforts for MHS software acquisition and development lifecycle.
MHS Project Management Services, 2010-2014
Provided the Defense Health Agency (DoD) with program and project management for the development of the Military Health System Cyberinfrastructure Services operations center at the Maui High Performance Computing Center in Kihei, Maui.
DoD-VA EHR Interoperability Project, 2009-2012
Architected and provided software development and system integration services to establish interoperability between DoD (CHCS) and VA (Vista) Electronic Health Record (EHR) Systems at Tripler Army Medical Center. HRG developers developed a graphical user interface, a real-time, bi-directional web interface that links DoD and VA electronic medical record systems. This application is now known as the Joint Longitudinal Viewer (JLV).